
The standard specifications for corrugated cardboard boxes

In international trade and transportation, there are several standard specifications for corrugated cardboard boxes. These standards help to ensure consistency in the size, strength, and quality of packaging materials used to transport goods. Some common standards for corrugated cardboard boxes include: FEFCO (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants de Carton Ondulé) – A European standard that provides …

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The types of corrugated boxes

Corrugated boxes can be classified into various types based on different criteria. Here are some common classifications: Single-wall corrugated boxes: These boxes consist of one layer of fluting sandwiched between two liners. Double-wall corrugated boxes: These boxes consist of two layers of fluting sandwiched between three liners. Triple-wall corrugated boxes: These boxes consist of three …

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The applications of corrugated cardboard

Applications: Shipping and packaging: Corrugated cardboard is widely used for shipping and packaging products of all kinds. Displays: Corrugated cardboard can be used to create eye-catching product displays in retail environments. Furniture and home decor: Corrugated cardboard can be used to create furniture and home decor items due to its lightweight, durable, and customizable nature. …

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Disadvantages of corrugated cardboard boxes

Not waterproof: Corrugated cardboard boxes are not waterproof, which can be a concern when packaging products that are sensitive to moisture. Limited stacking strength: Corrugated cardboard boxes have limited stacking strength, which means they may not be suitable for packaging heavy or bulky products. Not suitable for long-term storage: Corrugated cardboard boxes are not suitable …

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Advantages of corrugated cardboard boxes

Lightweight: Corrugated cardboard boxes are relatively light in weight, which makes them easy to handle and transport. Strong and durable: The unique construction of corrugated cardboard makes it strong and durable, providing excellent protection to the packaged products during shipping and handling. Versatile: Corrugated cardboard boxes come in various shapes and sizes, making them suitable …

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